Advanced hydraulic modelling and reliability analysis of water distribution network of Trondheim (Norway)

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IDEA-RT provided specialized consultancy to SINTEF for the advanced hydraulic modelling and reliability analysis of water distribution system serving Trondheim (Norway) using WDNetXL Analysis and Management modules.
The network length is about 850 km and the hydraulic model is composed of 10,776 pipes and 9,521 nodes. It is a complex system being composed of 38 working pumps of which 10 are variable speed and 28 are controlled by tank levels. The pressure control is achieved using 119 pressure reduction valves also. The sources of water are 12 cylindrical tanks and 3 reservoirs.
Advanced hydraulic modelling allows pressure-driven analysis to simulate the actual water supplied to customers during pressure-deficiency scenarios.
The reliability analysis is performed using the extended period simulation over an operative cycle using WDNetXL Management module.
Notice that the system has 435 closed pipes/devices and WDNetXL topological features allows to perform a realistic analysis considering the actual hydraulic network topology excluding closed pipes and, possibly, disconnected nodes.
The reliability analysis allows to retrain the isolation valve system and to assess the criticality of the hydraulic system elements.